Feeding Body and Soul

The widows and pensioners we serve have seen significant, historic change in their lifetimes. Some of these changes impact their lives yet today—and have given Music Mission Kiev the opportunity to minister to these precious men and women.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s, those who had savings for retirement were left penniless and facing meager retirement years. Now in their 70s and 80s, many are still struggling to survive, with the added burdens of age-related illnesses, the loss of spouses, and lack of resources to meet needs. Health care has become very expensive and staying well is the only way to stay alive.

Because of your gifts and monthly sponsorship of widows and pensioners, we're able to assist with the expenses of hospital stays and aids like walkers and canes. Our team has also provided home repairs to keep people safe and warm.

But what's become most important is food: healthy meals and spiritual nourishment.

Widows and pensioners receive nutritious weekly food packets that sustain hungry bodies. They also attend fellowship and Bible classes that satisfy souls hungry for the love, hope, and truth found only in the gospel. And if they are homebound and can't come to us, we'll go to them, with food and Bible lessons often delivered by the widows we serve.

The hope of food is often the motivation for newcomers to find us, just as the gospels tell us people did with Jesus. The amazing result is that Jesus finds these widows and pensioners, calls them to repentance and salvation, and they give their hearts to Him.

Will you pray with us?

  • Pray for our expanded outreach to widows. We now serve 507 precious pensioners in Kyiv on a weekly basis.

  • Pray for Kim Janzen and Diane McMurrin as they teach hundreds of widows and pensioners each week in various Bible classes.

  • Pray for the summer outreach widow ministryevents at the McMurrin's home.

  • Pray that the Lord will keep our people safe from those who might seek to hurt them.

Help us serve widows and pensioners when you join our sponsorship program. Your monthly gift will feed them body and soul.


A Miracle in the Making