Offering practical help and spiritual hope.
Compassionate Care.
Music and evangelism come together to serve those in need.
There is great need in Ukraine. Government corruption enriched the powerful at the expense of the poor. Inflation made the fixed pensions of the elderly inadequate to cover basic living expenses. War in the east created a refugee crisis and devastated the economy.
God has placed Music Mission Kiev among the many people in need of care: Widows in need of help and hope. Children longing for care and connection. Displaced and wounded people searching for shelter. In response, we have developed outreach programs that serve body and soul, meeting physical needs and offering hope found only in Jesus.
The Bible tells us that God places the lonely in families. We have seen this firsthand in our ministry to hundreds of widows and pensioners. These women and men become a part of the Music Mission Kiev family as we meet their physical needs—food, clothing, medicine, home repair—and provide spiritual nourishment and friendship through weekly Bible studies and discipleship classes. We also coordinate a sponsorship program to ensure their ongoing needs are met.
Music has opened the door to ongoing relationships with a number of orphanages in Ukraine. Our team teaches music lessons, Bible lessons, and regularly connects with children by just having fun together.
We also provide relief and assistance to three orphanages affected by the fighting in eastern Ukraine, as well as locations in the north.
As a part of our orphan ministry, we host several Bible camps for children throughout the year. For many of them, Bible camp offers a first exposure to the good news of God’s love.
Victims of War
Ukraine has experienced foreign aggression and war since 2014. The violence has resulted in many wounded, homeless, unemployed, and people in need of safe shelter and food. Our team collects and delivers relief supplies—everything from food and diapers to blankets and garden seeds—to the towns and villages most affected. Each delivery is accompanied by a Bible, fellowship, and the opportunity to talk about God’s love and care in the midst of suffering and hardship.
God has also provided the opportunity to minister to wounded soldiers at a military hospital in Kyiv by purchasing necessary supplies and sharing Christ's love.
Finding an Eternal Family
In need of a place to belong, Artem looked forward to Music Mission Kiev's weekly music lessons and Bible activities. As his knowledge grew, so did his desire to learn more about Jesus. He gave his life to Christ at an Music Mission Kiev summer camp and has been finding ways to serve ever since. He spends every Saturday ministering to widows through our outreach program and is taking college and English courses so he can do even more. With his father an invalid and his mother deceased, Artem has found a family in which he can flourish.