Ihor Receives Electrolarynx

Irina D. couldn’t wait for her trip to Donbas to visit Ihor N., and neither could Ihor. He knew this visit would make his dream come true by receiving a voice-forming device.

Ihor was born on April 9, 1961. He used to live and work in Horlivka. Ihor was married twice, and he has a daughter and a son from the first marriage. After his divorce, his daughter stopped communicating with him. Ihor’s second marriage was challenging. It started well, but then his wife became an alcoholic. He divorced her, and it caused his health to deteriorate. In 2006 Ihor was diagnosed with throat cancer and had surgery. During that time, he became silent. Yes, he tries to make some sounds, but people don’t understand him. In 2013 Ihor had a stroke, and doctors found a tumor in his head. This tumor is inoperable because of its effects—it caused partial paralysis of his hand and leg.  

The war started in 2015, and Ihor was forced to move to Oskol and later to Druzhkivka. He was given a room in a dormitory as a refugee. He’s still living there today. To put it mildly, the conditions of his room are poor, but Ihor thanks God for a place to stay!

Music Mission Kiev first met Ihor when we invited him as a refugee in need to participate in our Bible lesson. After the lesson, we gave food packages to people. It has been three years since that first meeting. God has touched Ihor’s heart, and now he lives with Him. Ihor spends a lot of time in prayer.

Once Ihor told Irina about his dream, he didn’t believe that it could come true. He has asked the government to help him purchase a voice-forming device, but it is expensive, and he’s not able to buy it himself.

When Irina heard this story, she shared it with Serhiy B. and MMK doctor Vadym S. The story touched their hearts, and we wanted to help him. We all started to pray, including Ihor.

Thankfully, Ihor’s dream came true!!! When he saw the Electro Larynx, he cried like a child. He told Irina that he couldn’t sleep at all the night before our meeting because he was so excited. Our meeting was at 10:00, and Ihor came to church at 8:00. He still didn’t believe that he will speak and people will hear and understand him. We started to test the device, and Ihor was so excited—he couldn’t wait to start talking. Sasha and Irina were there and heard his voice. We suggested reading the Bible and Ihor read it! Irina, Sasha, and Ihor all cried and wiped away their tears!!! 

These are the moments worth living for! They prayed and glorified God for such a gift! Ihor took a box with the Electro Larynx, put it into his bag, and hugged it, saying, “So that no one steals.” He thanked God, MMK, and all people who helped, saying, “I will be heard!” He continues to send messages to Irina on Viber and shares his achievements. Here are his messages:

Hello, Iryna. I’m grateful to God, to you, and to all people who helped me! My neighbors and relatives were happy for me. I told them about the church and the American people who pray for us and help us. I’m happy! Thank you and praise God!

Hello, Iryna. Thank you again to all people for help. Some people understand me very quickly, some people are afraid (of unexpected sound), some people call me “robot Vasia”, but I’m not angry with them. It’s pleasant and good that I can talk. I’m happy like a child!

Dreams come true with God!!!


Visit with Lidiia K.


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