November KSOC Concert

In November, the KSOC performed a concert in the Lysenko Column Hall of The National Philharmonic of Ukraine (in Kyiv). Serhiy Basarab recounts the evening saying, “It was not a concert. I'd rather call it a unique, once-in-a-lifetime spiritual and artistic experience. This KSOC concert left such a huge imprint on me that I still continue to hum some lines (like “O Peter, go ring them bells”).”

The concert began with the National Philharmonic actor reading the full text of Psalm 145 in Ukrainian. This was the perfect introduction to Robert Ray's Gospel Mass:

'They will tell of the power of your awesome works... They will celebrate your abundant goodness...' 

Vika led the KSOC by telling of His works and goodness very masterfully and joyfully. All of the works performed—Gospel Mass, spirituals, and Misa A Buenos Aires—have tremendous healing power. In a time full of anxiety and uncertainty, this music was the perfect medicine. KSOC singer Katerina Prihodko shared, “This music heals the body and the soul.”

Kudos to Katerina and her colleagues Anna Zaretska, Yuri Koshel, and Oleg Tonkoshkura who performed excellent solos in Gospel Mass. Tetyana Ganina charmed the audience with her solos in Misa A Buenos Aires.

The lady who sat in front of Serhiy kept saying, “This is a mega professional group.”' Serhiy added, “Led by a mega professional conductor who created the artistic concept, put the program together, and conducted it so well.”

Misa A Buenos Aires was a revelation to many listeners. Most Ukrainians know and love tango music, but to hear it blend so naturally with traditional mass in Latin was something new and very unique. And equally unique was the instrument featured in this performance—the bandoneon. Both the instrument and the talented instrumentalist who played it (Serhiy Kurditsky) made a big impression on the audience.

On average, The National Philharmonic of Ukraine tells 40-50 tickets every night. For this KSOC concert, 167 tickets were sold, and many people came by invitation, too.

The Lord’s name was proclaimed so beautifully at this concert—praise be to God!


Visit with Natalia Y.


Military Widow Viola Y.