Transformation of the IDP Bible Group in Puscha

by Pastor Ruslan

2020 forced the whole world to face a crisis and change the usual rhythm of life for many people. On the one hand, it is an inconvenient challenge; on the other hand, a catalyst for growth.

The IDP (Internally Displaced Person) group didn’t disintegrate over the pandemic, it has experienced significant growth. This little group (10-12 people that show up every Tuesday) turned into a real home church. We continue to discover God’s Word. People experience more spiritual hunger than before. We collect offerings and use these funds to rent a room at the Pentecostal Seminary in Puscha. We regularly pray for people in need and encourage group members to learn to pray publicly. This group is thriving and continuing to grow in their faith.

We are thankful for God and everyone who is involved in this good work. 

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The Portrait: Viktor Chernysh


December Trip to Donbass