Visit with Galyna O.

Irina D. has been calling Galyna to check in on her health and well-being. They were both waiting for the quarantine season to end before visiting in-person, but they realized that might be a while, so they decided to meet now.

Galyna was born in 1939, has two children, and has participated in the MMK ministry since 2000. Galyna lives with her daughter, son-in-law, and his 13-year-old son. Her daughter, Oksana, participated in the Maidan Revolution in 2014, was a volunteer in a hospital, and has a contusion and some health problems. Galyna’s son-in-law served in Afghanistan, and he has injuries from the war and the Maidan Revolution. Galyna said her home is full of disabled people, everyone moans in pain at night in their corners of the apartment. 

Galyna worked as a cook for many years and later she became a technical controller on the railway. Galyna’s husband was an alcohol addicted man. Unfortunately, her son followed in the footsteps of his father. Galyna shared this with tears in her eyes. Irina could see the pain of the mother’s heart.  

Galyna is grieved that she cannot go outside. She has had seven surgeries, and two of them were appendicitis surgeries (because the first appendicitis surgery was not completed correctly). She has trophic ulcers on her legs, and she survived a car accident, which has given her problems with a spine and joint deformity. 

Despite the pain and heartache Irina heard from Galyna, Irina rejoiced when she heard that because of Music Mission Kiev, Galyna has learned about God. Today she lives and trusts in Him by reading her Bible and praying. Irina encouraged and strengthened Galyna through scripture and they prayed together.

Galyna was very grateful for Irina’s visit and her words of support! She’s thankful for all the people God sends to her and her sponsor who has supported her for so many years! Praise God!

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Visit with Lilia B.


Christmas Celebration at St. Paul's Children's Club