KSOC Tour — Coming in 2025

In 2025, KSOC is planning to return to the United States for its 14th tour. 

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In the spring of 1993, gifted conductor/musician Roger McMurrin and his wife, Diane, sold their Florida home and made a personal, ten-year commitment to share great Christian classics of the West with the Ukrainian people. They recognized the deep passion Ukrainians have for music. This selfless, awe-inspiring couple felt that introduction to the classics, such as Handel’s Messiah, which were essentially unknown during 70 years of Communist oppression, would bring hope within political turmoil and economic despair. The McMurrins also envisioned bringing employment and international exposure to the world-class musical artists in Kyiv. To this end, they succeeded. Diane details their life experiences and dynamic evangelical ministry in Ukraine in the numerous books she has authored.

Today, the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra & Chorus (KSOC) is known internationally and has made countless recordings. They toured the United States for the first time in 1996, performing 27 concerts for over 30,000 admiring fans. In 1998, KSOC was welcomed back to the United States, expanding their tour to 41 concerts. They wowed audiences in prestigious venues such as Carnegie Hall in New York City, Severance Hall in Cleveland, Ohio, Jacoby Symphony Hall in Jacksonville, Florida, Duke Chapel in Durham, North Carolina, and Princeton University Chapel in Princeton, New Jersey. KSOC’s 2000 tour (From Sea to Shining Sea) included over 90 performances in churches, schools, and major theaters.

In 2025, KSOC is returning to the United States for its 14th tour. 

KSOC is part of Music Mission Kiev (MMK), which uses sacred music to spread and share the Gospel with Ukrainians. In spite of Ukraine’s centuries-old Christian heritage, 70 years of atheistic rule under the Soviet system severely strained the proclamation of the Gospel message. Churches were destroyed or converted to secular uses, and professing Christians were often torn from their families and exiled to the Gulag (prison labor camps) in Siberia. Ukraine’s history does indeed sound like a Hollywood movie plot. Regrettably the storyline is not fiction, but a bitter reality of Ukraine’s tyrannized past, brutally meshed into the present, ongoing, inhuman war Russia has once again waged on Ukraine.

Yet God calls on MMK to contribute much more than music to Ukrainians. MMK has developed outreach programs that serve both body and soul, meeting physical needs and offering promise found only in Jesus. The war has provided numerous new opportunities for sharing the Gospel and rebuilding Ukraine - physically, spiritually and emotionally. MMK is uniquely positioned to respond to these new challenges. God trustingly places MMK amid many people in desperate need of care: Widows in search of humanitarian help and hope, orphans and children longing for care and connection, displaced and wounded people in pursuit of shelter.

Get ready for an unforgettable experience from this exceptional group of world-class musicians. Without a doubt, KSOC’s talent, dedication, and deep appreciation for Americans will deliver a concert that is not only extraordinary, but delightfully memorable in every sense.

KSOC Tour Photos