Another Expression of Love

For over 9 years, Sew Blessed Ministry for Christ in Longwood, FL has made beautiful quilts for our widows in Ukraine. Just last week, we gave away one of their blankets to a special lady named Valentina. She is 71 years old and just became a member of our program, but she has been a member of St. Paul’s Church since 2017 faithfully attending church services and Bible lessons.

8 years ago, Valentina became a widow. She took care of her bed-bound husband for a couple of years after his stroke. They had a wonderful marriage and the loss was very difficult for her. Just three weeks ago, Valentina’s son died at the age of 45. They were very close.

Lena had a long conversation with Valentina as she shared about her family. Valentina was overwhelmed and very thankful to receive this beautiful pink blanket.


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