Hospice and Children’s Ministry Donbas Visit

A long time ago, Katia B. asked us to visit a hospice that is part of the local hospital. Half of the whole floor of the hospital is for hospice. Lonely people live out their lives here. Katia asked us to visit hospice because its residents feel a great need for fellowship, care, and God's Word. Sometimes local ministers visit people in hospice, but Katia really wanted us to visit them. Katia talked to the director, and she allowed us to visit. We bought some fruits and yogurts for them.

There were 20 people there who were happy to see us and joyfully took the little treats we brought them. They were like children that impatiently enjoyed their treats. We ended up visiting with two women, Vera and Mariia, we already knew. The two of them used to participate in Larysa's Vefezda program. Together we prayed and had fellowship. That visit showed us the importance of gratitude and mercy—our hearts were softened and filled with gratitude! Thank you, God, for such lessons! 

Meeting with kids is always a real joy! Although many of them have challenging lives, they still keep a positive outlook on life. We arrived when many children were already out and waiting for lunch. Some were running around and others were playing tennis. The kids always have delicious lunches there because it is cooked with love.

Irina noticed two women were sitting in the corner of the room. Dima explained that those women brought their kids to the church for the last two weeks and stayed for lunch too (probably because they wanted to eat the delicious and good quality food as well). Dima doesn't mind them staying because they also participate in Bible lessons after. By the looks of them, Irina could tell that they are poor, and she was thrilled to hear they were also feeding on the word of God. That's how it goes, not parents bringing their children to the church, but kids. Our God is miraculous!

We are glad that our mission can serve those in need by enjoying delicious meals and Bible lessons at least once a week! Praise God!


Visit with Tetiana R.


Visit with Viktor K.