Visit with Tetiana R.

Three years ago, Tetiana became a widow. When her husband passed away, his death was so stressful that Tetiana’s legs became paralyzed, and she had a heart attack. Currently, Tetiana walks a little bit using a cane. She stays home and helps her daughter take care of her son. Her daughter, Inna, works as an English teacher in the local school, and Tetiana’s grandson, David, is three years old. Inna used to come to the church sometimes but doesn’t anymore. David has some difficulties speaking and has some developmental disabilities. As a result, David is not able to attend daycare. His mother and grandmother are afraid of David’s health as well. 

We decided to visit this family, but it was just an excuse to testify about God’s love. Tetiana hospitably invited us to her home, where we had a fellowship and read the Bible! At the end of our time together, Ira asked if she could pray for Tetiana, her home, her daughter, and David. She agreed and suddenly, Ira felt as if someone pushed her back saying, “Invite her to pray!” So Ira invited Tetiana to pray and she jumped at the opportunity like she was waiting for this moment! Tetiana prayed, repented, asked God for forgiveness, and asked Him to stay in her heart! At that moment, Ira felt a touch of Heaven!!! It was true happiness for her to be present at that moment!

When Ira said goodbye and left Tetiana’s home, one of the local ministers, Dima, told Ira that this meeting was a real miracle. They used to visit Tetiana before, but she didn’t allow them to go further than the yard. All the visits took place outside and were brief. God gave us a valuable lesson again, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow”. (1 Corinthians 3:6)


Video: Ihor Expresses His Gratitude


Hospice and Children’s Ministry Donbas Visit