Military Ministry Update

We just received an update from our ministry partners, Vasily and Valya K. They serve military widows in Ukraine, and for Valentine’s Day they put together some special gifts for them. 

Over the last two and a half months, some widows visited their office almost every day. This season of isolation and quarantine restrictions have been difficult on them—they miss the monthly meetings they used to have. During their visits, they prepared food bags for the widows, cards from MMK, gifts for their children, clothing, tea/coffee and talked with them. Many women did crafts with the widows as well. Many widows have gotten COVID-19, and the team has had the chance to supply them with vitamins. Since October 2019, a Sunday Bible study has continued to meet with 13 widows.

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They have completed the work to create a law for military chaplaincy. Vasily participated with the group of people representing the Baptist Union of Ukraine in the Ukrainian Parliament—it was an intensive two-month period. Recently, they had three days of training for the chaplains of the Baptist Union in Ukraine.

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Vasily continues to prepare a short message every day from God’s word plus several sentences of explanation which he sends to several groups (including a group of 60 widows and 45 chaplains) and individually to many active duty soldiers and veterans as well.

They’ve shared a few prayer requests that we would like to share with you:

  1. Valya's health (tinnitus) and for Vasily

  2. Wisdom for Vasily as he represents the Baptist Union in the General Staff Department that cooperates with chaplains

  3. The law for military chaplaincy will be accepted soon

  4. We will once again have the opportunity to serve soldiers on the front as volunteer chaplains (now it is impossible because of quarantine restrictions)

Thank you very much for your prayers and continued support, which allows us to maintain valued partnerships like this one with Vasily and Valya.


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