Stara Basan Boarding School Christmas Visit

We had many concerns as we prepared for this trip. The COVID-19 situation has made it near impossible to visit educational institutions. A strict lockdown was put in place for most of January and the kids have waited patiently for our Christmas meeting. 

Unfortunately, we could not conduct a regular Christmas gathering (we usually do a Christmas puppet show), so we had to get creative. Oksana prayed and asked God to show up new ways to make this trip meaningful and possible. He showed her that we could do a theatrical Christmas game outside.

This was such a special trip for Oksana because she “saw God’s hand in every situation.” From good presents (many donated money for that), to a great team, to nice weather, this trip was a huge success.

Our team included several different ministers—some MMK staffers (Iryna D. and Oleksandr A.), Oksana’s family, military widows and their children, and our partners. In total, we had a force of 17 people to serve these children.

While we had to think outside the box to bring the joy of Christmas to these kids, we were able to overcome the obstacles. 

This trip wasn’t the end of our fellowship either—we gathered a youth Bible group at the MMK office and have met together once so far. We look forward to gathering the whole team together to summarize and discuss our ministry efforts. 

Thank you for your faithful prayer and support—you continue to carry us in the hands of a prayer!


Military Ministry Update


Visit with Lilia B.