Nazar and Arsen’s Experience at Camp

Nalya (from St. Paul’s Church) asked us to take two boys to our summer camp this year. They two boys are cousins, but we decided that one was too small (he is less than seven years old). So we invited the oldest one, Nazar, and when the parents came to drop him off, the youngest boy, Arsen, was with them. 

Nazar did not want to stay in the camp—he held onto his parents and cried. His parents told us about a similar experience they had at another camp. Arsen, the youngest boy, wanted to stay. So the parents asked us to take Arsen to the camp to comfort Nazar. We discussed the situation and decided to take both boys.

During the camp, both boys were very active and joyful. They found many friends in the group and learned to support, forgive, and help each other.

At the end of camp, Nazar received a certificate for the best behavior and example. We’re glad he that he ended up having a positive experience at camp. We hope he will become regular member of Christian camps and our church ministries in the future.  

Arsen, who is almost seven years old, also had a great time and made memories that will last a lifetime. 

In the picture below, Arsen is sitting in front and Nazar is next to him in the blue hat.


Visit with Nina G.


The Portrait: Viktoriia Rybchynska