Oct. 11 KSOC Concert Recap
God truly blessed our acapella concert at the Assumption Cathedral in Lavra. About 150 people showed up to listen to the sacred songs of modern Ukrainian composers. (Two of those composers, Ruben Tolmachov and Oleksandr Tarasenko, sat in the audience.)
The spiritual music filled the cathedral, penetrating into the listeners’ hearts, moving their spirit. God’s name was exalted! The audience was open and perceptive, everybody listened attentively and even took pictures and videos on their phones. Many young people went to the top floor and listened to the music from there. They were definitely impressed.
The program was prepared and conducted by four young conductors, all of whom are KSOC members, Natalya Begma, Serhiy Zadorozhny, Katerina Tomchuk, and Nazariy Tarasenko. Kudos to them and their mentor, Vika Konchakovska.
Serhiy Basarab shared, “I could go on and on praising Vika and the KSOC, but I’d rather give the floor to one of our widows, Libov A. who attended this concert. She has just posted a message in St. Paul’s group on Viber.” Liubov A posted, “The concert was a great success. It seemed as though these songs were coming from Heaven. The Psalms were recited quite soulfully. Thank you!”
Before every song, Oles Pavliutin (the actor who brought us so much joy by reading the texts of spirituals in June) read a passage from the book of Psalms. These scriptures added power to the choral presentation.
Enjoy the video highlight below, prepared by Sergey Kuchma.