Visit with Tatiana R. from Druzhkovka

Tania is 69 years old. When we visited her about six months ago, we were surprised she let us into her house—that was a great miracle in itself. But after our conversation, she decided to make peace with God and prayed for His forgiveness. What a great joy it was! We asked if we could visit her again, and she replied she was looking forwards to seeing us next time.

This time when Irina visited, Tania seemed like a different person! She was joyful and happy in the face of great difficulties. She invited us into her house, told us all about the harvest of her vegetable garden, and claimed it was God who gave her the strength to grow it. She praised God for everything He does for her, including her daughter and grandson! Irina’s heart rejoiced to see these positive changes in her life! She sends her thanks to our mission for all the help and love to widows like her.

Report on visiting Tatiana R the widow from Druzhkovka_1-web.jpeg

Visit with Valentina & Aleksandr P. from Druzhkovka


Oct. 11 KSOC Concert Recap