Serving With Joy

Last week, our Thursday gathering with our widows went great! Lena taught the lesson, Irina led the Dig Deeper group (more and more ladies are joining her class), and Pastor Ruslan taught the men’s class.

Lena noted that the men were quiet and reserved while the women were attentive and talkative :)

The photo of Irina standing by herself was taken right after she shared her testimony. While Lena was teaching the lesson to the large group, Irina met an older man at the entrance who decided to just walk into the church. When she asked him why he came, he said he was just passing by and suddenly sensed a great need to come to the church “to free his soul.” So Irina listened to him, shared the Gospel and he accepted Christ into his heart! Praise the Lord! Of course we also invited him to Church as well.

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Two New Members of our Widows’ Food Program


Natalya Becomes A Stephen Minister