Thy Word Is A Lamp (Bible Study Group)
Vasil K. invited Serhiy to join his Bible study group for military widows on Viber (video chatting platform). The group’s name is ''Thy Word Is A Lamp,'' and it is quite a fitting name since a few military widows have struggled with the darkness of despair and depression.
About twelve people participated, including Vasil and a couple of his assistants from the Christian Military Fellowship. First, they had some fellowship time, sharing updates and catching up on each other's lives. Then group members took turns reading Acts 8. Afterwards, they had a great discussion of the passage. Serhiy liked that Vasil, an experienced chaplain and Bible scholar, did not dominate the conversation. He made very few comments. He primarily asked questions that allowed military widows to concentrate on what they were going to say. His encouragement and good-natured humor created a safe space for them to share. I was impressed with the depth of their comments. I wasn't surprised by our own Ira R. who loves reading and studying the Bible. But I discovered that others—like Irina B., Svitlana L., and Olga L.—are just as good at making profound observations.
The lesson concluded with collective prayers. Every military widow prayed. The 2 hours and 15 minutes really flew by. As a matter of fact, Oksana P. noted afterward this was not their longest meeting. She told Serhiy that they ''usually spend about 2 hours 40 minutes every Sunday … All the widows love this time of study and fellowship.'' And Serhiy loved it, too. He felt spiritually refreshed and invigorated.
*Photo below was taken before the COVID-19 pandemic.
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