Visit with Svitlana L.

Svitlana L. is one of the most active participants of our military widows group. She enjoys our meetings and rarely misses them. She actively participates in Bible studies on Sundays. We have conducted this group with our partners (Vasyl and Valentyna K., and others) online every week for almost one year. We thoroughly study the Bible at those meetings. 

This spring, Svitlana’s mother-in-law passed away, and it was tough. We prayed and asked God to comfort her and bring peace to her heart. Currently, Svitlana’s heart is filled with joy because she recently became the grandmother of little Marko. 

Romans 12:15 says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” We desire to support widows in their times of sorrow and rejoice with them in their times of joy! We enjoyed spending time with Svitlana and celebrating the great joys of her life. We also prayed for Svitlana and little Marko—that God would bless his growth and development and save him from evil. 

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Prayer Request for Artem B.


Thy Word Is A Lamp (Bible Study Group)