Prayer Request for Artem B.

Artem B. is a Stara Basan boarding school graduate. Currently, Artem is studying remotely in his village, Kobyzhechi, because of the lockdown. When Oksana asked him about studying, he said that he had no money to pay for the internet, making it impossible to study. Oksana topped up his mobile phone service so he could continue to learn. He promised to study. 

Currently, Artem lives with his grandmother. His mother and a stepfather live in the same village, but Artem has complicated relationships with his stepfather. 

Would you pray that Artem would learn to prioritize correctly and that God would guide him? Also, pray that God would give Oksana the wisdom to encourage and help this Artem.


Prayer Request for Tetiana M.


Visit with Svitlana L.