Prayer Request for Tetiana M.

In March, Tetiana (a military widow) got into a car accident. She was treated in the military hospital, and Oksana kept in touch with her. She already started work (she is in the military), but she still has a hematoma on her head. She asks for prayer—that God would heal her. 

Recently her father-in-law passed away, and it became an unexpected shock for Tetiana and her son Mark. Her son took his grandfather’s death pretty hard. Please, pray that God would guide them through this time of loss and challenge. 

Tetiana also asks that you would pray for her son Mark because he graduates from 9th grade soon and it’s time to decide if he should stay at school for 10th and 11th grades, or enter a college. Please, pray that God would encourage Mark in his studies and give him the wisdom to make the right decision.


The Easter Celebration Continues!


Prayer Request for Artem B.