Two Important Connections

Last week, Vika Rybchynska, program director of Music Mission Kiev’s (MMK) Orphan’s and Children’s Program at St. Paul’s Church in Kyiv, led a youth group on a couple of very impactful outings to share music, laughter, and offer small gifts and snacks to soldiers at a hospital and an orphanage. Vika was medically discharged to resume work and normal activities from a serious surgery to remove a cyst on her vocal cords recently. It is amazing that she continued to serve the mission throughout her recovery process. Her enthusiasm is bottomless and abounds with a genuine love of people, especially her dedication to young adults and children. 

Vika wrote to MMK’s CEO. “Good afternoon, Greg. On Thursday, a group of youth and I went to the hospital to visit wounded soldiers. We sang and gave them T-shirts, socks and uplifting artwork created by the children at St. Paul’s Church. The guys are always so grateful and look forward to our visits. The director of the department personally thanked MMK and the American donors for their assistance.”

One of the teenagers remarked as the team was leaving the hospital. “I never realized how many men have lost limbs, and how many are hospitalized.” Indeed, it is a sobering truth and one which will undoubtedly haunt this young man’s spirit for the remainder of his life. MMK is grateful for its youth ministers who have the strength to witness such horrifying realities of war, yet build on those harsh experiences and return to visit, sing, and socialize with the recuperating, war-tormented soldiers.

Vika also wrote that on Sunday, three days later, she and her young troop of ministers, along with MMK’s photographer, Andrii Schudlo, paid a visit to the children at the Stara Basan orphanage. This was the first time that Pastor Slavik and the Evangelical Church members from the village of Bobrovytsa joined MMK’s team to visit Stara Basan. This new partnership with the local church nearest to the orphanage is momentous, as the church is beginning to include the orphans in their local community gatherings. MMK is delighted of this blossoming Christian relationship that will provide the children of Stara Basan an even greater pronouncement of Jesus and His healing capabilities.

The pictures capturing both events are worth a thousand words. Just as the soldiers were reinvigorated by MMK’s visit, Vika commented that the children were equally overjoyed. “They hugged us and did not want to let us go. It is heartbreaking to say goodbye to these lovely children. We always look forward to seeing them again, to surround them with love, affection, and promises of hope.” In the great voids of war, the element of love is life-giving to a child who has been forsaken of family. The power of hugs is magical and encourages resiliency. MMK’s work with schools and orphanages in Stara Basan and in the city of Zhitomir continue to be a priority.

Thank you for your support to help MMK make a difference to the physically and emotionally wounded, and for inspiring the young future leaders of proud Ukraine.


Iryna’s Trip to Dnipro


Video: St. Paul’s Kids Service