Iryna’s Trip to Dnipro

Iryna “Ira” Donchenko recently returned to Kyiv from a trip to the Dnipro region of Ukraine in the last week of May. She journeyed over seven hours by train to teach a trauma care healing workshop for mostly refugees in Dnipro and surrounding areas. Dnipro sits uncomfortably close to the conflict zone. The dangerous endeavor was immersed in prayers and petitions for God’s protection over the small group of trainers.

Greg Kannon, CEO of Music Mission Kiev (MMK), shared that his friend, Dr. Robert Hicks, an FBI chaplain, imparted insight recently regarding spiritual post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or what is now being referred to as Moral Injury. The disorder can trigger drastic shifts in people’s conception of the world. In a post-traumatic worldview, those afflicted no longer have a sense of justice, they feel betrayed by humanity (especially their neighbors), are extremely vulnerable, and life becomes meaningless and without purpose. These stressors also affect the individual’s outlook on life, including the inability to feel enjoyment, it impairs concentration and the capacity to recall meaningful memories. It negatively impacts intimacy in marriage, relationships with children, and friendships, to the point of losing interest in participating in community and the simple pleasure of fellowship. Inherent to this condition is the loss of trust in people, organizations, and leadership.

What Dr. Hicks described was the environment that Ira and the other trainers encountered on their visit to Dnipro. They discovered deep wounds and grievances being experienced by every person they met, young and old alike. To bring hope and encouragement, they needed the help of the Holy Spirit in ministering to each of these broken and tormented, yet, beloved souls.

An added bonus on this trip was Ira’s opportunity to meet with Pastor Volodya and the internally displaced persons that MMK serves in that region. You may remember Pastor Volodya is a key partner in the Dnipro area for MMK. He perseveres and continues to assist many refugees and longtime residents despite the profound complexities and implications of war. Pastor Volodya sent many thanks on behalf of the refugees and himself! They are so grateful for the humanitarian support MMK delivers to them every month. It was also heartwarming to meet a couple of MMK’s sponsored widows and courageous Christians who live under Pastor Volodya’s spiritual care and encouragement, and are so very dear to our mission.

As an update, Greg Kannon and five other Americans will depart soon for Kyiv and arrive there on Friday, June 21st. Three of the travelers are MMK board members and the other two are companion spouses. On Friday, June 28th, at the end of their visit in Kyiv, the visiting Americans plan to travel by train to the City of Rivne with Ira and other trainers from the Ukrainian Bible Society, who lead the spiritual trauma care healing seminars, for a two-day event with representatives of various denominations in the Rivne area. The MMK group will get to witness, first-hand, the powerful trauma healing presentations, and how they are being utilized throughout Ukraine. The talented ladies of the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus will also complement the expedition by accompanying the group to perform a benefit concert of beautiful angelic, healing, and therapeutic music for the soul.

Stay tuned! Greg looks forward to sharing that story and more in the coming days. In the meantime, please pray for traveling mercies and safe travels!


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