Youth Visit Motorcycle Repair Studio
With summer school break now in progress, young individuals find themselves with ample leisure time. During this pause in academics, Viktoriia R. (Vika), Music Mission Kiev’s (MMK) Orphan’s and Children’s Program Director at St. Paul’s Church in Kyiv, occasionally takes opportunities to organize surprise events that are interesting, fun, and educational for the youngsters.
This past week, in collaboration with Serhiy B., VP of MMK Ukraine Operations, the duo arranged a unique gathering at an unexpected venue. They congregated at Pavlo’s exclusive repair facilities. Attendees included participants of youth worship, active members of the youth ministry, as well as autistic children who were accompanied by their mothers. Pavlo, a former soldier and an avid biker, sustained serious injuries during his service defending Ukraine. Now, he dedicates his time to repairing motorcycles and other equipment for frontline deployment.
Unbeknownst to both the visiting MMK guests and the hosts, Pavlo and his biker friends, each side was equally suffering from a bad case of the jitters. Don’t bikers have a reputation for being loud, tough rebels who roam into bars and run over anyone who gets in their way? What to expect from a meeting with a man who has been to war, a biker? And, aren’t kids known to be unpredictable in behavior? How would they perceive Pavlo and the bikers’ studio repair environment, rough appearances adorned with tattoos, and occasional use of course language?
It can be said with certainty that at the end, the outing exceeded everyone’s expectations. Pavlo proudly guided the young people through his workshop and studios, and candidly told them about his military experience, including his injuries and numerous surgeries. Yet, he explained, none of his medical woes have stopped him from contributing to the war effort. Although he is no longer in the army, he is totally committed to supporting the military on the frontlines.
Pavlo also introduced the visitors to his fellow bikers. But the icing on the cake was also meeting the renowned actor and biker, Ashot, indeed bigger than life. Witnessing the camaraderie of the bikers, who treat each other with respect and brotherhood - Pavlo’s colleagues - who help to protect those on the battlefield, was moving. Pavlo further entertained the youngsters with rides on his various motorcycles and gigantic truck, which elicited contagious smiles, squeals of delight and great excitement, even from the accompanying adults!
For the young group, the encounter was unparalleled in experience. They were amazed to see such strong, burly men display authenticity, compassion, selflessness, and courage. The pleasure of sharing tea and spending time together left a lasting impression on the group. The kids were delighted by the bikers’ generous offer of escorting them back to the metro on their motorcycles, on their journey back home. This combination of remarkable life experiences and genuine simplicity left an indelible mark on the youth, reinventing Pavlo and his friends into real heroes and inspirational role models.