Visit with Antonina N.

After Irina’s last visit with Antonina N., Irina called her to wish her a happy birthday. She was very grateful for the call as asked for Irina to visit her again. Irina promised she would and had to keep her word. On this trip, Irina brought her food cards and a printed Bible lesson.

Antonina is 88 years old. She lives by herself, has no children, and all her relatives live in Belarus. Unfortunately, her health has become worse, and sometimes Antonina loses consciousness. She prays to God every day, and her faith helps her to overcome loneliness. St. Paul’s Church and our care help her as well. 

Antonina is grateful that we remember, love, and take care of her. Irina and Antonina prayed together and glorified God for His mercy to us.

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Good Cheer for our Widows


Visit with Lubov E.