Visit with Lubov E.

Irina had the opportunity to visit with Lubov again. She is 87 years old and lives by herself. Labov’s daughter and granddaughter take good care of her by bringing food, but now her daughter has COVID so they have not come for a while. 

Lubov feels lonely, she cannot read, and her vision is very weak so TV is her best friend. During the visit, she lowered the sound on the TV so they could speak about God and His love for us. Irina and Lubov prayed together. She was delighted that the Mission did not forget about her and continued caring for her. 

Lubov and Irina express their gratitude to God for everything and to those that support our widows! 

Lubov Eychart # 276_web.png

Visit with Antonina N.


A beautiful ice-covered tree near our office in Kyiv