Visit with Nina L.

After visiting with Lilia, it took Lena about 30 minutes to walk to Nina's. When Lena arrived, the picture she saw was sad. Nina is 83, and she has been homebound for a while. About three weeks ago, she got a terrible backache, and now she can move only with the assistance of her son, Vitaly.  She stays in bed most of the time. On the day of Lena’s visit, it was Vitaly’s day off because he had to take Nina to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said Nina needs to have an MRI test to find the source of the pain. 

Vitaly is a good caretaker. Lena was pleased to see a modest yet spotless two-room apartment. Vitaly shares the apartment with his mother. He is 50 years old and works in a daycare facility as a carpenter. Vitaly was married twice and has an 18-year-old daughter from his first marriage. When Vitaly shared he was an atheist, Lena sensed she had to stay a bit longer. Vitaly was in a charismatic church and was disappointed. His second wife also tried to involve him in Jehova Witness gatherings, with which he did not have great experiences.

After their long conversation, I invited Vitaly to visit our church and talk to Pastor Ruslan. As for Nina, she is a sweet, sweet lady. I learned that she worked hard her whole life to provide for Vitaly and his older sister (who lives far away and cannot support her mother) because their father left the family. Over the years, Nina took many different jobs and at one point was a nurse. Recently she taught Vitaly how to give her shots, which is a huge help to Nina. Nina also used to be a Stephen Minister before she had mobility issues.

Please join us in praying for Nina and her family.


Summer Break is not Prayer Break


Visit with Lilia B.