Visit with Tamila M.

During Lena’s visit with Tamila M., she brought her a gift that Tamila’s sponsor had sent her. As soon as Lena gave her the gift, Tamila immediately went to give money to Lena, “This is my offering to my church. Please make sure to pass it along.” What a wonderful example of generosity—no matter how much you have, always give to bless others every time the Lord blesses you.

Tamila’s has a daughter and a son who live far away from her and rarely visit. Tamila is 80 years old and her husband, Anatoly, is 85 years old. He is a feeble man who can handly move around. As Lena watched this elderly couple interract, she was amazed how tender and sweet Tamila was with her husband. Lena even shared this observation with Tamila and she replied, “This is not what I used to be like before I came to St. Paul’s Church. I learned this in our church. Keeping God's commandments helped me a lot: now I can show him patience, forgiveness, care and love.” 

Talima joined St. Paul’s Church in 2014 and was even baptized there too. Over the years, she has participated in many ministries at St. Paul’s, including Stephen's Ministry, Heart-to-Heart (EE), prayer group, pensioners' choir, and Bible studies.

While she is immensely grateful for the material support she receives from MMK and her sponsors, above all, she thanks God for “the new world” that was opened to her through the church. Tamila continued to share with Lena all the things God has been teaching her through the church. She showed multiple handouts of Bible lessions, which are delivered to her by her Stephen minister. 

Tamila shares, “I am very thankful to MMK for spiritual support and material help. I read my Bible, learn the Psalms by heart, stay in touch with other church members, pray, and listen to Christian radio. I have got purpose in life, praise God. I serve the Lord.”


Visit with Tamara Z.


The Portrait: Nataliia Begma