Visit with Tamara Z.

At the request of Doctor Vadim, Irina delivered important medicines to Tamara Z. Irina was thrilled to visit her again. 

Irina and Tamara had a wonderful time together. When Tamara heard about the medicines, she was excited and pleasantly surprised—she did not expect this kind of help, especially during these difficult times.  

Tamara prepared some tea during their visit, and the two of them talked and read the Bible. Tamara wrote down the Bible passages Irina mentioned. 

While Tamara complained she lost some weight, Irina encouragingly told her that she became slender. This kind of fellowship is crucial for our widows. It’s moments like this that remind our widows they matter, and God cares for them. Our prayers for one another do more than you can imagine. God teaches us in Galatians 6:2, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Tamara said she got wings after Irina’s visit and praised God. Not only does she express her gratitude for our care, but Tamara also sends everyone greetings. 

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Visit with Vera G.


Visit with Tamila M.