Visit with Vera G.

Irina called Vera back in April during the first quarantine. Vera had a stroke back in March, so it was challenging to understand her over the phone. At the time, she could not walk because the left side of her body was paralyzed. Her sister took care of Vera during her recovery.

Seven months later, Vera came back home, and now she can speak clearly. She can walk now and her arm is better too. This was the first time Irina visited Vera and thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her.

Vera was born in 1951, and she has no husband or children. The stroke she had in March was her second stroke. According to Vera, the first stroke was easy, but the one in March was much more severe. She suffers mostly at night from loneliness and fear—it seems that the devil tortures her. 

Irina and Vera had lots to talk about, and they spoke for a long time. Vera read the Bible even though it was difficult for her. God’s power and victory prevail! Afterward, they prayed together and Vera did not want Irina to leave. 

She misses the church’s fellowship dearly. Irina told her about the possibility of Bible home groups since so many people live nearby. Vera was thrilled to hear about a place to gather and immediately offered to host, “Here is my apartment! It’s possible to have studies here!”  What a joy to have widows with such big hearts. 

Vera is very grateful for our help and spiritual support. She loves everybody and reminds us that all glory goes to God! 

When Irina tried to take her picture, she looked sad at first. But Irina told her to smile and be joyful more often because it’s written in the Bible: 

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22

So, they both decided to be more joyful!


A beautiful ice-covered tree near our office in Kyiv


Visit with Tamara Z.